For anyone who knows me, they know I am constantly pushing Spirit Jump. Spirit Jump is THE easiest way to interact and help make someone with cancer’s life a whole lot better. With the smallest gesture comes the biggest rewards, a simple card and a 42 cent stamp can make all the difference in the world. Plus if you want to give more, small presents or care packages it is as easy as filing a box and mailing it. I love doing Spirit Jumps and even when I have no money I still send out cards whenever I can. If you are friends with me and have not heard of Spirit Jump then you have not been paying very good attention. If you want to learn more, which you should, or you or someone you know could use a jump, please check them out: . So when I heard that Spirit Jump was funding a new annual day to send cards I immediately started getting the word out to my friends, adding links to my page and an event to the book page. However, more pushing is needed to get it to even more people. Card 4 Cancer is a very special day where cards are made or gathered for local cancer centers and hospitals and delivered on April 10 (or around then for centers that are not open). April 10th from now on out is Cards 4 Cancer Day. It is so very easy to participate, and you can join a team already formed or make you own. You can sign up here: If you would like to me on my team it is called Brain Book Team, we would be glad to have you. We are taking our cards to the Community Cancer Center in Normal, IL
Some general Guidelines from the website are
1- Try to stay away from “Get Well”. Unfortunately some of the recipients of your cards will not get well and this message, while a positive one, can be hard for some. Because we do not know specifically who will receive your cards its a good idea to stay away from any type of “Get Well” messages.
2- “Thinking of You” “Wishing You Well” “You Are In Our Thoughts” “Encouraging You Through Your Battle’ etc…are all great messages to include in your cards.
3- Uplifting quotes are always great
4- Drawings without any message at all work too.
5-Try to stay gender and age neutral as you do not know who will be receiving your cards. However, if you know you are delivering to a childrens center, woman’s center etc….you can be more specific.
6- We ask that you include somewhere in your card so that people who want to receive more cards know about our services.
7- Hospitals have asked that people not include religious messages in their cards.
8- Hospitals have asked not to store cards in a home where someone smokes cigarettes and that they are kept in a smoke free environment.
If you have any questions or need some more suggestions please email
For more information please check out their site:
Right now we need as many people to participate as possible to really help as many people as possible. It is that simple. So, please take the time to check it out and sign up. Trust me the feeling you will get, knowing that you are making someone’s day is greater than anything I could ever attempt to explain through a blog. Try it for yourself!
Love Love Jettychan