Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Blog Should be Called I Will Update If and When I Have Something to Say and Then Usually Several Weeks After! (>_<)

Dressing up to see the great Bowie on the big screen as Jareth! 
So, I think I should probably just change this blog to, I will write a post whenever I have something to actually say or when I actually DO something. The only really big thing I have done is I finished the revamp of Jetty’s Brain Book website. While it does not work on the mobile site which just kills me inside because I did not know until half way through that the Bootstrap template I was using did not work on mobile sites. This sucks because the reason I re-did my site was so that I could get the access to more people through their phones and now that won’t even work. I am hoping that my fund raiser campaigns will be successful for the nonprofit and I can ask the programmer to teach me how to make it mobile friendly and then I will do it myself. Otherwise I will have to redo the whole website like I had to do for the raffle which will be so not fun. There are literally over 500 images and 70 web pages that will need to be remade. However, if I have to I will do it all from scratch. Right now I am gearing up to switch into full Japan prep mode, planning, packing, buying things I need, the whole nine yards. This time around I am hoping to get some intense Japanese studies in before I go. I want to be able to fully hold my own. I am really not very confident in speaking Japanese so I am thinking about switching over a majority of my speech to Japanese for awhile. I have been watching movies and playing Fallout 4- which is an AMAZINGLY fun game. I am also re-watching all the seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, then I will get to the Fuller House episodes everyone else is watching right now. I have been pushing my charity’s raffle  but it really feels like it is not going to be successful and we really need it to be successful because I cannot make the community on my own, I have tried. I need help; it is too much for me. Anyway, I better get back to my work. I trying to get back to using Max after spending the past three years in Cinema 4D for grad school. Time to reacquaint myself with the software that started it all for me. I will post photos or video when I am done. I know I am writing this for me to feel like I am keeping up a legit blog but maybe someone else will read it, you never know. ^_^ 

Here are a few photos of things that have happened: 

I got the Blackstar Album! YAY! 
I found the baby in my King Cake! ^_^ 
My first Christmas present from my parents in many years was a check for $100 which I promptly used to work to rebuild my credit with Bowie, Slytherin, and Stitch presents! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Long Time No Blog

So, it has been a long, long time since I have posted a blog. The long and short of it: I started a charity and we are not entering our fifth year. We have given out three scholarships and will be awarding our first ever Caregiver grant in February. We are rolling out our art community for anyone affected by cancer this year as well. I just finished my master’s degree in digital art from Goucher College in December. I celebrated my ten year cancerversary on April 4th by heading to Universal Studios Florida to go to Harry Potter Land (the Wizarding World of Harry Potter to the rest of the world) and it was AMAZING. Not just because I made it to ten years when most told me I would not make it even a year. Every single year I am surprising doctors but not surprising myself. The only thing that surprises me is that I have dropped from exhaustion! I am constantly trying to learn new things, evolve my art and make a difference in the world. That makes me so busy that I often times have to make a choice in what gets updated and this site fell the wayside for a long time, but I am working now to get it updated. I am setting up a new faster server and updating all the links. I am also giving it a complete new user friendly design. It is my hope that this site will once again be the go to site for finding help and support for cancer survivors everywhere. I may be only one person who runs a very, very small charity but I still hope I can make a difference.
Hogwarts Express!

Breaking in or breaking out of Gringotts??

Universal Studios Florida was the best way to celebrate my life!